Saturday, 27 July 2013

Assalammualaikum w.b.t. 

So, this is my first entry ever. Haha. Saja ja gedik nak buat blog. Bukan nak cari publisiti ke apa ke. Tapi it more to like a diary la kot to me. Since many things happened to me these days. So, aku akan tulis bila aku happy, sedih, blur, and so on la kot. Haha. One of the reasons aku buat macam tu, sebab bila aku tengok balik, baca balik, aku akan sedar yang aku dah go through all these things in my life, and  "wow Dibah, you are still there, standing, even all these things, duri dan ranjau happened to you." Lots of people had been told me that I am a strong girl. But I cant remember any of things that describe me so. So, I guess I should up an entry everytime I become that strong girl. Tehee. :)


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